Explaining the hiatus away: You’ll make time for the things you love (even if it’s 4AM)

Photo courtesy of Unsplash unsplash.com/photos/pMW4jzELQCwData is so valuable in every day life. It's 4am on the west coast where I'm traveling for work this week and I just took a peek at my Unchained Creative blog performance. Rest assured it's nil since my last post was six months ago!Do I explain? Do you care? Is anyone reading this?I wrote a book. Over six months ago I completed a first draft. Since then I've taken it through rounds of revisions applying feedback and constructive insights from critique partners and beta readers. Also in that time, I had a wedding. And changed roles in my companies. So there's that.Life gets in the way. But how did I manage to write and revise? I wrote early mornings before work, evenings after work when my partner is at bowling or quietly studying in the next room. I wrote and still write on weekends. And don't forget the ever creative muses are at work during inopportune times like when I'm commuting on the train or in the shower. There's a solution to all that: jot it down in a notes app. Call on someone living with you to rush into the bathroom to make a note for you. Repeat the perfect sentences, ideas, plot twists until you rummage around and uncover paper or wait for your laptop to finish powering up as it dillydallies in a way your brain never doesI love this blog for so many reasons, mostly because for a while it served as my form of journaling. Now that I'm doing morning pages nearly every single day with few exceptions, this blog (I won't say it's gone by the wayside), but I will say I've left it alone for a while. The best part about having a blog, journaling, or any sort of created endeavor, is that it'll always be waiting right there for you when you're ready to pick up the pen, open the app and let it flow out of you.My hiatus has been explained. Unchained Creative has been right here waiting for me. And I'm ready to get back to exploring my journey to living creatively and turning my novel into a published work.First up is the Gotham Writers Conference next month. The application process is definitely work exploring in a fresh post. Spoiler alert: i was accepted! Keep an eye out for that blog in the next week or so.Until next time! Thanks for reading aka listening with your eyes.


The Gotham Writers Conference 2019: I went, I pitched, I learned


Peer inspiration, a sheer joy