On procrastination: today was a weird writing day

I started out with the plan to finish writing a blog for work, and to start another one on a totally different topic.While I did the latter, the former is still in flux.These bursts of writing inspiration -- even of the business variety -- are getting to be tiresome. I almost dread them, because I know after the free-flow of intelligent and smartly-paired words, the well will dry up in time.And I can't anticipate how soon that will occur. I just know that it will.burst.jpgWhile I wanted to accomplish these things today, I found it much easier to start the new project than to revisit and edit/revise/focus on the work in progress (or WIP if you're feeling acronym-ific).When it comes to what I lovingly call my "personal writing" I face this self-induced challenge constantly. I'm high off the rush of finding a new source of inspiration or crafting a character that has stepped into the forefront of my brain stage. But the process, routine, and structure of revisions and editing and the actual WORK involved with writing -- well that is just not appealing to me.So what to do, what to do? Should I throw in writing time on my calendar complete with a pop-up reminder?I could do that, again. I've been there and done that and while it can be helpful sometimes, it's just too easy to hit "dismiss" on that little calendar notification.A friend and colleague suggested I knock out the "musts" of my day (for me that's fitness, healthy eating, chores) before 6pm. This way, when I get home and it's time to decompress, I can eat some din and spend some quality time with my writing device (or implements if I'm feeling old school).OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI don't want to say it's working, because I haven't written one of these three blog posts post-dinner, in any type of alert or super excited state. But I have written.And for me that's really the biggest battle.What do you do when you find you are stalled in progressing your writing? Do you have any tips for structuring your free time to enable more creative writing that flows?Or is it a matter of just not being too hard one's self?Would love to hear tips or read your own posts on this matter! Leave 'em in the comments.Have a great weekend!  


Self-underestimation: a weekend self-diagnosis of my writing


Finding the creative in these New York City streets; the good, the bad, and the stinking garbage scented