Submission scaries: lean into the fear and just do it

Despite the stinging scratch on my left middle finger, I'm still going to keep typing despite the itchy quasi-pain. Guys, I did it. I just did it. The email has been sent. It's over.I submitted an essay to a prominent publication, for a much-beloved column. My superstitious mind is avoiding naming said media outlet and point my finger at the column. Needless to say this is BIG for me. And big in general.b0f385c0f7148c16ed4896c3b826014f-funny-excited-face-excited-memeWhile I'm sad I haven't written a new blog post in about a week, life got in the way as it can do. Sneaky little life. Inspiration and life events sparked a different kind of writing, that flew out my brain through my fingers. Rather than believing it was the most perfect, awe-inspiring, literary offering the world has ever seen, I slept on it. I sent it to friends to read. I let it stew. And then I tore it to shreds and pieced together a new second draft, and third.It felt good. I feel good. I feel inspired and humbled and excited that I worked out a piece of writing. It's not the best thing I've ever written. It's pretty good. I like it! I massaged the words and was able to get candid and insightful feedback that helped me tighten the message and hone in on what I was really trying to say.I know the editors may not love the piece. It could get rejected. The process to completion and getting it in a submittable-place was cathartic. I worked through feelings and also experienced what it might be like to be a full time writer. I won't lie to you, it was an excellent feeling of energy and bright, warm brain light glowing inside of my physical being. Needless to say, it was cool and I want to do it again.sunshine-forest-1As a newly minted blogger (for this blog at least), I'm publicly writing a recommitment to this here outlet of my thoughts, and hopes and mostly my fears and anxieties. I will continue to write as honestly and frequently as life will allow. But dear life, don't worry. There's always room for you and I will give you the space you need.It's time to go with the flow a little more and break off some over-controlling pieces of me personality.The words come to me better when I'm at ease.let-go


Channeling my high school spirit animal: the energizer bunny


Inspiration really IS all around (just like love, and Christmas)