Inspiration really IS all around (just like love, and Christmas)

My astrological sign is Cancer. I'm a summer baby, and my personality encompasses a lot of the characteristics of a classic Cancer. Cardinal sign, "mother goddess" of the zodiac. I'm all emotionally, and creatively charged, and nurturing to an annoying degree. You're welcome, friends and family.I especially love when coincidences and ironic happenings occur. Or what we lovingly refer to them in my numerous friend groups as "vibey happenings."sparkly.jpgMy friend Laura has recently started a band, and she is a source of creative support and inspiration. Her commitment to her passion (music, singing, writing lyrics and music, playing piano and guitar, basically being a badass) reignites my own creativity. For writing and dance.Dance? Was that out of left field?Trust me. It's not. I've been dancing my whole life.Which is why this summer feels so incredibly vibrant, colorful, inspiration, and vibey. Despite all the negative news, the shitty things that are happening in the world, and the hate that seems to be prevailing, the artistry and creativity coming forth from all corners of my network and the entire globe is astounding. And amazing.Inspiration, really IS all around. Thanks, Hugh Grant.'s take Kesha's incredible "comeback." I hate to call it so, because honestly, it's more of a coming home for her. This is who she really is! This is the voice, the sound, the lyrics, everything she was meant to be.It's beautiful and touching. People around the world have had visceral reactions to her music, her album "Rainbow" and her videos.rainbow albumFor me, this summer is the summer of this blog weeee! Sure, it's only been a week and two days. The inception of this little bloggy right here still counts as a summer inspo to recapture my IRL inspiration for writing longer works such as my half-in-progress fiction works. Both short and long.And thanks to Kesha, I'm back in the studio working out some dance choreography as well. Because honestly, "Praying" is just asking for some big, staccato, and beautiful contemporary choreography.Kesha's album, my friend's band, the hate in the world, it's a call to action. It's an inspiration to all. No I'm not in denial.We are living in some troubled times, you guys. For real! But there is beauty and hope and love in what we do. Even if that's working as a comms pro for a tech company. Even if that's starting a very serious band as a "hobby" while you work full time.I like to think of myself as a realistic pessimist, but I'm learning I'm an optimist in many ways.Are you feeling inspired this summer? Is the current Mercury Retrograde getting you down? Are you working on a new project or revisiting an ancient labor of love?Leave it in comments. I'd like to be inspired by any readers that want to share!


Submission scaries: lean into the fear and just do it


I'll have some focus and patience, and a side of fries please