Remember that time I actually wrote on this blog?

It was last year. October 20, 2017 to be precise. The last blog topic I wrote about was the fall season. I mentioned an article I was crafting for Luna Luna magazine about moonbathing, which has since published.Flower-Moon-2018-spiritual-meaning-May-full-moon-star-sign-zodiac-astrology-1360338Two seasons have completely passed since. And today it's over 7 months later and my musings and snippets have been strictly confined to my brain grapes and the Notes/Reminders/Evernote apps on my tiny computer.To catch you up on the half-year that's lapsed, I've:

  • accepted and immersed myself in a new job
  • traveled to the alleged happiest place on earth (it was a pretty good time)
  • seen a scary spider descend from a light fixture to the center of a bed I was to sleep on in mere hours
  • lay on the beach for nearly an entire work day
  • read approximately a baker's dozen books
  • felt the pullings of ennui at least once a week

It's been fun, really.The feeling of abandonment hasn't strayed too far in my mind as I finally wake up a tad early today to reignite the fire in my heart, via this here bloggy.The ideas for stories, poems, and books still enter my peripheral mental vision regularly. But I haven't put pen to paper or fingertip to key in a creative manner in eons. At least it feels like eons to me.And for my dozen subscribers, friends and fellow creatives who've happened upon my writings, a quick moment of gratitude to you for support and encouragement.So here it is. The comeback. The return from my personal fall from grace. I guess it's not hard to figure out how hard I am on myself. Then again, I've always been transparent. But that's the thing about expectations. If you have high ones, it's far more internal than externally charged. I'm hardest on myself. Which often leaves me stagnant and unwilling to put forth an effort, an attempt, or to make public a vulnerability. And all of a sudden I'm still immobilized.I know -- truly really comprehend -- that I can do anything, but that I can't do everything. That doesn't mean I won't stop trying.Happy Friday!giphy **Featured blog image credit: Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash


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