Verbosity: A curable condition

I've just come to a startling realization. I use too many words.My biggest crime? Adjectives.I love them. Can't get enough of them. But my community of readers (ahem, friends, cough, family) aren't getting my messages and key points as starkly as I'd like. Curious, how many adjectives did I just use there? Keeping counting at bay for the time being, I'll go ahead and say I used a lot.Putting verbose parables aside, literally, part of this mental awakening for me is coming to terms with the fact that clearly I'm not getting my point across to others.I'm at a loss. But not of words. I've lost my damn voice. I've lost my strength of voice. I like to think in my writing I've achieved fleeting moments of solid writing. A handful, if you will. But somewhere along the way in my career in public relations constantly communicating to that very same public, I lost my own creative way.I want to be excellent. Striving to use phrasing and scribe sentences that stay with you, the ones that are pointed, concise and unforgettable - that's my life's goal. A lofty goal, for sure.Nonetheless, I must try. Or rather, I just need to do the damn thing.How about a pledge? To write snappy and straightforward prose for this blog.The first step is typically cited as the hardest. Declaring I have a problem with wordiness in my writing was easy enough.Cheers to using your words wisely. May I always do the same.(Featured image photo by Wayan Parmana on Unsplash)


Going with the inspirational writing flow


Modes of communication: let’s talk details (shall we?)