Going with the inspirational writing flow

Earlier this year at the outset of summer, those sneaky little writing muses graced me with their presence. While on a business trip to the west coast I had a spark of a story idea. And I went with it. Now, five months post-spark, I've got two polished first chapters, five vivid characters, and about 20 pages of just writing.The fast-moving beam of light that is inspiration isn't the surprising part of this story. The follow through is what's throwing me off my usual routine.Surprisingly, this week my body detected the writing bug and I awoke at 5:30am two days in a row ready to imbibe some caffeine and get to writing.And write I did. For probably the first time in my life I'm sitting and writing without editing. I wrote without overthinking, or pausing and muttering to myself about imperfect word choice and a problem area that truly doesn't show but rather tells all over the place. It. Was. Awesome. Or rather it IS currently awesome. And I want it to continue to be a morning routine that I can sustain.Writing habitually has never been easy for me. And I'm being kind to myself and going with the flow (not so easy for a control freak perfectionist with a bad habit of incomplete manuscripts).What perfect timing for this drive and follow through, during a week of gratitude, plenitude, and a festive season.Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving and a boatload of inspired commitment to your creative outlet.


Goodbye Oxford comma. Goodbye forever.


Verbosity: A curable condition